On Thursday, December 9th, the Northwest Mountain MSDC hosted its annual Year End Meeting for Members, MBEs and partners. The event was hosted in hybrid form, with attendees in person at the DoubleTree Suites in Tukwila and others joining from around the region online. We are grateful for the opportunity to safely meet in person and also allow participants to join from wherever was most convenient to them.
The event consisted of networking and breakfast, followed by a presentation of the Council’s 2021 accomplishments and 2022 plans by President & CEO Fernando Martinez. The audience participated in a question & answer sessions following the presentation that initiated much interesting conversation.
We thank all those who joined us for the final event of the year! For those that missed it or would like to review, a recording of the presentation is available to watch on our YouTube channel below, as is a copy of the presentation slide deck.
Stay tuned for photos from this event!