Alliance Northwest 2025

Greater Tacoma Convention Center 1500 Commerce Street, Tacoma, WA, United States

The 39th Annual Alliance Northwest is the largest business-to-government conference in the Pacific Northwest. This event features an exhibit hall, high-quality workshops and pre-scheduled one-on-one meetings between government representatives, primes, and businesses. Hosted by Thurston Economic Development Council, home of APEX ACCELERATORS, Alliance Northwest has a strong history of providing quality outreach events for government […]

WEBS Registration Support Office Hours

For those seeking support with WEBS Registration or wanting to get it done really quickly, our Manager of Strategic Partnerships, Grayson Martin, is hosting virtual office hours on March 21st from 12:30 - 2pm. Pop in and quickly register right then and there for WEBS - an online vendor registration and procurement system used by […]

Labor & Industries Virtual Workshop on Accident Prevention Plan

On Monday, March 31st at 1pm, the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries is hosting a virtual workshop on accident prevention plans—the number one citation issued by L&I. All businesses, whether remote or in person, are required to have an accident prevention plan. In this free workshop, an L&I expert will walk you through […]

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