The RFP was released and posted Friday, November 6.  The RFP document is also available on the WSP website at this link under the tab “Current Requests for Proposals (RFPs)”:

The solicitation is an Open Competitive process.
The WSP has the lead in the procurement, but has worked very closely with the Department of Enterprise Services and the Office of Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises.
The contract will give preference points to Small Businesses and to Veteran Owned businesses.
The contract will also give preference to vendors who comply with Governor’s Executive Order 18-03 (Worker’s Rights).

The general schedule is as follows:
November 6:  Release/post RFP
November 6-17:  Outreach to Minority, Women, and Veteran owned, and Small businesses
November 17:  Pre-Bid conference
November 25:  Issue addendum based on questions and Pre-Bid
November 30:  Letters of Intend Due (optional)
December 10:  Proposals Due
December 30:  Anticipated announcement of Apparent Successful Bidder
January 15, 2021:  Anticipated Contract Award
May 1:  Report/Recruiting Plan delivered


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