by cbrinkmann | Dec 5, 2018 | Council News
Fernando Martinez, President & CEO of Northwest Mountain MSDC Time and time again, our team has been inspired by hard working clients and stakeholders. We want to recognize them and celebrate their unique accomplishments. Together, we can achieve innovation and...
by cbrinkmann | Dec 2, 2018 | Scholarships
“I was excited for the opportunity to attend the Excellent Culture Workshop. The material covered in the workshop was enlightening. I look forward to implementing some of the newly learned skills in my daily life at Bite Me. I believe it is critical to the success of...
by cbrinkmann | Nov 12, 2018 | Opportunities & Networking
Are you aware of the Washington State Paid Family & Medical Leave, authorized by the legislature in 2017? Premium collections by employers begin to process January 1, 2019. Employee wages and hours need to be tracked by employers to begin reporting April 1, 2019....
by cbrinkmann | Nov 8, 2018 | Scholarships
“I received a tremendous value in the intense one-week program. The subjects covered were beneficial for my business (financial and leadership). The largest gain was the network of minority business executives who attended the class with me.” – Frank Lemos, LDC,...
by cbrinkmann | Oct 11, 2018 | Opportunities & Networking
This is a continuation of “How to Prepare for Effective Networking.” We polled some of our corporate members and MBEs on effective networking. They sent us some of the best practices, tips, and Dos and Don’ts of networking. When you get there: Be patient. (Networking...